Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Junie B. Jones

I've heard some negative comments about Junie B. Jones from adults, but most little girls I've talked to have loved her.  Yes, her spelling is not perfect and she is not always an angel child, but she is a fun and believable character.  Best of all, children who are still learning to read chapter books can read Junie B. books without becoming overwhelmed and lost.   I would recommend this series to first through third graders.

Monday, August 09, 2010

I'm Angry!

Sometimes, kids become angry.  Really, really angry.  Sometimes grownups don't know how to handle anger, whether it be the kids' anger or their own.  Maybe, if children learn how to identify and deal with their anger while they are still children, they will be able to better manage and work through their anger as adults.

Sophie becomes very angry in this story.  In fact, she is filled with such a rage that it threatens to take her over and make her do things she shouldn't.  The good news though, is that Sophie handles her anger in a positive way. 

This picture book is nicely illustrated with bright, colorful pictures, and in no way feels like a "preachy" or "instructional" book on feelings.  Both children and adults can relate to Sophie's feelings and her process of calming down serves as a good teaching tool for children and a a healthy reminder for adults on how to channel their anger for good.

It's OK to be angry, but it's not OK to hurt yourself or others while you're angry.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

A Classic

Most of us recognize the cover, and some have seen the movie or the cute cartoon on tv, but how many can quote the rhymes from the original book?  Those of us who know and love the story of Madeline, who lives in Paris, in a house covered with vines, and walks with the 12 girls, in two straight lines.

Madeline is a fearless little girl who lives at her boarding school along with her friends and then one day she has to be rushed to the hospital to have her appendix removed.  The story and the illustrations are simple, but the rhyme and rhythm are catchy and enjoyable to children.

I often find myself even years after having read the book to my children saying,  "Goodnight, goodnight, I hope you sleep well," with the echo in my ear of "Goodnight, goodnight, dear Miss Clavell."

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Just for fun

I accidently stumbled upon Mo Willem's books when my daughter brought home There Is a Bird On Your Head! (An Elephant and Piggie Book).  The simple drawings and few words on each page did little to alert me to the brilliance hidden within its pages, but I soon realized this was no ordinary children's book.  We must have read the book five to ten times each day that week we had it, giggling and laughing each time.  Since then, I have searched for other books by Mo Willems at libraries and bookstores, and most libraries are stocked with several.

My students also love books by Mo Willems as he captures their feelings, conversations and taps into their humor.  The pigeon books are especially popular in kindergarten, requiring countless read-alouds complete with enthusiastic choral reading of the words and pages the children remember.  Look for images of the pigeon in other books by the author as well!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Social Issues Children Face

What do you do when you really, really like and respect someone and then they let you down?  How do you react when someone disappoints you?  What if you impulsively do something to hurt them back, and then you regret it later because maybe they won't like you any more, and you really, really still want them to like you?

These are the dilemmas Lily faces in this story by Kevin Henkes.  Children of all ages will be able to relate to Lily and her good intentions gone bad and the range of emotions she experiences throughout the story.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Nursery Rhymes

Hey diddle diddle...

One, two, buckle my shoe...

Little Miss Muffet...

Chances are that most people can continue the rhymes begun above, and perhaps even recite them through to the end.  We often assume that all children simply "know" nursery rhymes, but I find at school that many children are not, in fact, familiar with traditional nursery rhymes.

Is there are reason why they should be?  Are nursery rhymes outdated and useless?  Call me old-fashioned, but I believe they are not, and here are a few reasons why:

Children enjoy the sounds of nursery rhymes from a young age and like to hear them over and over again.

Children are introduced to the rhythm and rhyme of poetry through the repetition of nursery rhymes.

Children learn to predict text in nursery rhymes because of the rhythm and rhyme and the natural order of words in written and spoken language (syntax)

Having memorized nursery rhymes helps children develop an awareness of the sounds in language (phonemic awareness).

Knowing how to rhyme and predict and recognizing the different sounds in language makes learning how to read easier for children.

Nursery rhymes are often referred to in picture books and other children's literature.  When children know nursery rhymes, they are better able to understand what they are reading or hearing.

There are many books of collections of nursery rhymes with updated, fabulous illustrations.  Older anthologies can be found in flee markets and book resale shops.  A personal favorite of mine is My Very First Mother Goose by Opie and Wells.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dealing With a Difficult Topic

Death is not a topic that is dealt with very often in children's literature, although it is present in some of our most memorable novels like Bridge to Terabithia.  My 11 year old daughter recently read Ways To Live Forever a first person account of a boy with leukemia who has just few months left to live.

I'll admit, I cry very easily in books, movies, tv shows, you name it, so I wasn't terribly excited about reading what would have to be a sad book.  There's no doubt that it was a sad book, but I didn't cry as much as I thought I would;  in fact, I laughed more than I cried.

Sally Nicholls tackles tough issues in her book by having the main character, Sam, pose questions related to dying that adults don't like to answer like why do we have to die, and how do you know that you've died?  Sam writes lists, journal entries, stories and questions as part of his school project, intending it to be a book for people to read after his death. 

Readers join Sam in figuring out what his wishlist is before he dies and how he goes about checking off the items on his list.  Readers also catch a glimpse of what it feels like to sit with dying friend, attend a funeral, and to think of life as a cycle.

Death is an inevitable part of life, and reading this book will make it more real and less scary for children.  It is believable and well written, with humor, anger, and sadness, but not overwhelmingly so.  I highly recommend this book for children ages 9 and up, including adults! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sharon Creech

I have yet to read a book by Sharon Creech I didn't like, whether it be the picture book, A Fine, Fine School, or one of her many novels like Love That DogChasing Redbird,  or  The Wanderer

For some reason I was a bit skeptical when I first picked up a copy of Chasing Redbird, but it soon captivated me. Now I have trouble remembering exactly where my skepticism came from.  I know I put off reading Love That Dog for a long time because I didn't think I could relate to book in poetry form, or that it could appeal to children.  How wrong I was!  I underestimated the author, the form and children in general.  Ms. Creech treats both her readers and her characters with respect which results in books that make both children and adult readers think and evaluate the themes she deals with.

I read the Fine, Fine School several times aloud at school before I noticed who the author was, and when I did, it was like an "A-ha" moment.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I recently conducted a very unscientific study on what books for children are available for sale in regular places that people shop: two Walmarts, two Targets and a book store in a small town mall.  We were traveling in the midwest and stopped in places that would be considered truly rural as well as a couple that are within the city limits of Chicago.  In other words, a pretty good cross section of the United States.

I was reasonably satisfied when I looked for a baby gift as I found a limited selection of board book versions of classic best sellers.  The store stocked such titles as Where the Wild Things Are, The Hungry Caterpillar, Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You and one book by Sandra Boynton.  Beyond the collectible books however, there were only easy readers and coloring books.  Easy readers have their place in literacy development, but they hardly foster a life-long love of reading, nor are they particularly good as read alouds. 

As for chapter books, I was both disappointed and disturbed.  We found Diary of a Wimpy Kid books at every store, a couple of Beverly Cleary books (which my kids have already) and there was the every present shelf of Vampire books marketed to teens.  My eleven year old daughter commented that it seems like all authors are copying Stephanie Meyers and can no one think for themselves?  I was looking for the newest Newberry award winner, or a Sharon Creech book, or anything really...

The question I have to ask myself is this:  are stores not selling quality children's literature because people weren't buying them, or do people not buy such books (maybe they don't know them without marketing/movie tie-ins?) so stores quit selling them?

Is it a matter of marketing and knowledge of books?  What will happen to reading and the availability of books if the stores real people shop in don't stock books that all children should read?  I suppose most schools give out Scholastic Book Order forms where people can buy books at a better price, and most families have access to libraries, but do they use these services?

How can I get the word out?  There are so many good books out there!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Book Review

I've been hearing about Bringing the Boy Home  for a couple of months now from my 3rd grade daughter who kept talking about this wonderful book her teacher was reading aloud to the class.  After finishing it, she convinced her older sister to read it as well.   Older sister whizzed through it, seemingly without putting it down, and then they started in on me.  "You HAVE to read it mom!  It is SO good!"

Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down either!  It is the story of two boys who are part of an Amazon tribe, deep within the jungle.  In order to prove themselves as men, they must pass a test of endurance, bravery and skill.  The twist is that one boy was abandoned by his parents at age 6 and spent the last 7 years in Florida with his adopted mother.  Can a boy who is part of modern American culture prove himself in the Amazon?

The story plays with the themes of family, loyalty, bravery, trust.  Had I read the book first I would have said that the book is for boys, but it resonated with my girls as well.  It has adventure, excitement, emotion and drama, and best of all, it takes the reader outside of any world or culture they have ever known while showing that many themes are not owned by any one culture.  I would highly recommend this book for any reader ages 8 to 12.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Free Play

A toddler wades into a man-made pond at the park, then plops herself down in the water.  Mom laughs and stands at the edge of the pond, supervising from a close distance.  Nearby another mother watches as her five year old makes sandballs, dipping her hands into a pail of water, grabbing a handful of black, wet sand to roll and shape into her desired shape, size and consistency.  

The dripping child from the pond loses interest in the water and wanders off toward the sandbox where she too wants to make sandballs.  Naturally all the children are covered in sand, and it's not nice and clean sand.  It is black and constantly left out in the elements.  It's not unlikely to find a cigarette butt or other garbage in the sandbox, and who knows how many cats use it at their litter box.

Is it irresponsible parenting or a wonderful opportunity for the children?

I admit that I have a hard time allowing my kids to become so deliciously dirty as they learn, play and discover.  In sand and water they come to know the properties of both.  They pour, lift and measure and they make plans to follow through and they develop large and fine motor skills.  They learn that when they play in water they get wet, and when they play in sand they become dirty which is cause and effect.  They learn that they might feel uncomfortable, or some might enjoy the sensations.

But perhaps best of all, they are learning that they are free to explore and investigate and try new things.

Did it make life more difficult for Mom?  Absolutely!  There is extra laundry to deal with as well as the added logistical hassle of the trip home from the park.  It's not always easy to clean all that sand out of the hidden folds of skin young children have.

What about the dirt, germs, garbage and bacteria?  If the children are generally unhealthy with weak immune systems, that could be a problem.  With otherwise healthy children, as long as they are not eating the sand or drinking the water, they build up a healthy immune system by playing outside and becoming dirty.

The key is to remember:

Children are washable.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reading Aloud

"Can you read this to me please?" a child will ask, and who can say no?  Well, perhaps we buy some time with a "Later, OK?" but ultimately, anyone who spends time around children and books will have opportunities to read aloud.

Some of us feel more confident in our abilities to read to an audience than others.  We might have an idea in our heads of what the book should sound like, but we are afraid of over-acting or sounding silly.  It could be that simply getting the words past our lips is work enough in itself and we don't have any energy left to try to make it sound like something.

Reading aloud to children is a skill that can be learned and improved upon with practice.  We don't all have to become professional story tellers or performers, but most of us could use some extra help!


1.  Enjoy the story. 
2.  Think about what you're reading.
3.  SLOW down; it is not a race!
4.  Lower your pitch to avoid a squeaky, high voice.
5.  Make your voice softer for effects instead of louder.
6.  Build in pauses for       dramatic       effect.
7.  Take time to enjoy the illustrations.


1.  Rush
2.  Think about others who might be listening.
3.  Use the same tone of voice for the entire story.
4.  Overdo different voices for different characters.
5.  Turn the experience into a comprehension Q & A.

The most important thing is to enjoy the experience and slow down.  Find a comfortable, quiet spot to sit with a child for your read aloud sessions. 

Read every day and have fun!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Timeless Theme

Certain story lines and premises simply resonate with children.  One of these is toys that come alive and have subplots and dramas beyond what we see in our world.   Naturally Toy Story comes to mind, that blockbuster movie series with the voice of Tom Hanks, but kids have warmed to stories about toys long before the movie.  Remember the Velveteen Rabbit?

The Tub People, by Pam Conrad is an unassuming tale of a family of bath toys who are neither animated nor prone to excessive conversation.  However, children love this story of the child toy who washes away in the whirlpool of an unplugged drain which results in a clogged tub.  The Tub People is a good read-aloud for children of all ages, as well as a suitable book for 6 to 8 year olds to read independently.

 The Doll People by Ann Martin tells the story of cross generational doll houses,  a modern plastic version interacting with dolls living in hundred year doll house.  The dolls never age, and both sets of dolls have complex interactions and emotions as they pursue their adventures and find their places and senses of self and friendship in their world.  Illustrations accompany most pages, adding to the readability of this ambitious chapter book for 7 to 9 year old girls.  The story line is compelling enough though to encourage readers to read independently to the end.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Picture Books

We all know that we should read aloud to our children, but when do we stop?  And surely "big kids" are beyond picture books? 

I recently took our favorite anthology of picture books off the shelf, dusted it off and began reading a couple of stories every night aloud to my elementary aged children.  My motivation was the fact that I discovered that when I referred to a story they had loved as smaller children, they mostly looked at me blankly as though I was speaking a foreign language. 

As I started reading, they were mesmerized and completely drawn in to the stories.  When I came to the end of one, they begged me to continue.  Naturally, part of what we were experiencing was nostalgia for a bygone era, especially as they began to remember the stories from countless re-reading in the past, but they were also seeing the characters through different eyes and relating to the story lines on a more mature level.  We had interesting conversations about the illustrations and the problems facing the characteres as well as the interactions between them.

Soon, my children were begging for story time every night and we continued to read through the entire anthology.  Sometimes we took turns reading aloud, and surprisingly (to them) they weren't quite as easy to read as they had thought.  There are some challenging words in those books, and the rhythm and flow of the prose are great practice for reading aloud and developing fluency while practicing expression and interesting voices.

Do I now only read picture books to my older kids?  No, we also read chapter books that might be too overwhelming for them to tackle on their own.  I try to find a balance between different levels and genres of books.  I want my children to know that they are never too old for any good book!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Quality Literature

How can we find good books for our kids?   So many times it seems that we either chose the books we remember from our own childhood, or we fall prey to the marketing of today.  Currently there are books being made into movies, which may or may not be a good thing.  I have always loved Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, but I wasn't a big fan of the movie. Hopefully the movie won't discourage parents, teachers and children from reading the book in the future.

I'm also not a big fan of "Junior Novelization" of books based on movies and tv shows.   Just today I found a copy of a Phineas and Ferb early chapter book that my son had borrowed from the library?  Really?  Can't we offer our children any better than that? 

So I put on my detective glasses and went to look for quality literature that  boy of seven who is an advanced reader might enjoy, keeping away from books that might be on his reading level, but quite ahead of his maturity level.

It is by no means a comprehensive list, but a start anyway.